v B. A. Part-I
Ø To know about origin of the Earth, Formation and development of landforms made by process.
Ø To understand Weather and Climate, Impact of climate on living and non-living things, various climatic region of the world.
Ø To know about origin of ocean, relief features of ocean and characteristics, human impact on ocean.
Ø To know about distribution of population and races, Man-environmental relationship, environmental hazard and pollution and its impact. .
Ø To understand various types of Scale, Graphs and diagrams, chain and tap surveying.
v B. A. Part-II
Ø To Learn about economic activity, distribution of resources, industries and agricultural crops.
Ø To know about conservation of resources and sustainable development.
Ø To know about Regional Geography of India consist with physical, cultural features of India
Ø To learn about Map Projection, statistics, Prismatic compass surveying.
Ø To know about Interpretation of weather map.
v B. A. Part-II
Ø To Learn about Basics of Remote Sensing, types of RS, types of platform, types of satellite and Electromagnetic radiation.
Ø To know about Remote sensing application in Resource mapping.
Ø To Learn about Geographical Information System and its application.
Ø To know about Regional Geography of Chhattisgarh, physical features, natural resources, Agriculture, population, Industries and socio-economies development of CG.
Ø To Learn about Graphs, Plane table surveying, Interpretation of Air photo and satellite imagery and Topographical Sheet.
Departmental Course Outcome (P.G.)
Ø Physical and human geography - Student understand about to nature, scope and approaches of various branches of Geography.
Ø Theories and Models - Students understand about the theories and models of geographical facts.
Ø Science of distribution - Student able to understand distribution of geographical facts and features.
Ø Man-environmental relationship
Ø Practical Work - Student understand about cartographic analysis, toposheet analysis, air photo and imagery analysis, Surveying
Ø Research Work - Student understand about research methodology and Research Process.